Friday, July 31, 2009
El soporte técnico (chiste)
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Why Proventia End Point security is the next best thing?
If you are monitoring your end point infrastructure with different monitors to look for compliance, policy control, data security, administrative control and visibility, scalability and you want to have Agility for next generation solutions and deployment and removal of applications, then you want to read further, there is a solution that in just 1 screen can give you all
Lets make the count for the resources you need for Antivirus (at least 42MB), HIPS (at least 75 MB), DLP (at least 6 MB), Encryption (at least 18 MB) plus whatever it is added on technology in the following weeks, months or years, Proventia ESC can reduce that at least at half of this memory utilization
A lot of clients can have a ROI only for the power management piece, so you buy a product that can help you with at least 10 things with the cost of only 1, if math doesn’t fail, the rest 9 products are for free!!! Reduce up to $50 per machine per year plus potential utility company rebates, also going green by saving up to 400 kg of CO2 emissions which can be applied to carbon trades and offsets.
You can reduce in several subjects, for example, the number of server that you need to monitor the entire infrastructure, reduce cost on switch AV saving in switching, labor, deployment and support costs, in patch management you can reduce cost by reallocating security staff to proactive detection rather than passive patching and to finish the examples reducing support costs based on securely configured desktops and servers
I have the personal experience of using BigFix and to be honest it was so easy to use with some much benefit that the cost is so small that is a no brainer. From a technical standpoint is as easy of 3 steps Install ESC Console and Server, Export SiteProtector policies from SiteProtector and import into ESC console and Push ESC clients to endpoints
I think IBM made the best approach by selecting BigFix as a partner
You can read the press release at
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Who should the CISO must report to?
I was thinking this morning about how the CISO worked and it come to my attention that even when must of the organizations ask the CISO to report to the CIO, but those the CIO knows the value of the information? If He does, then the CISO should report to the CFO, but if he doesn't then we must see it from the compliance perspective and then the CISO should report to the Compliance, Auditor manager or maybe the risk manager, or maybe in a few years we are going to see the CISO reporting to the CEO.
At the beginning of the decade, when companies were in the process of establish or creating organizations to struggle a wide range of computer security pressure, it was a widespread practice for CIO to take on the double role of CIO and CISO.
The need for information risk administration in companies, governments, enterprises or family business has never been greater and since september 11 or the financial crisis, never more perceptible. Who is the Chief/Corporate Information Security Officer (CISO)? What is the role of today’s information security cluster? Who bridges the gap among business and technologists? How can the organization be successful in the eBusiness environment?
With the years it became a good practice in the organizations to produce a new C-level administration position: a chief security officer (CSO) who would have responsibility not only for corporate information security, but also for physical security. According to a survey released in June 2009 by consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, it appears that a majority of organizations now have a meeting between the security chief (either with the chief security officer or chief information security officer title), the problem becomes how often that happens more than 40% only have this meetings once a year, while other 45% have their meetings either twice or 4 times per year and only 15% have this meetings on a monthly basis
Outside the big picture difficulty of who the CISO should report to or who reins the security funds, companies must also fight with the more street-level inquiries of what happens in the occurrence of an explicit security breach or incident. When a member of staff is found to be viewing pornography or downloading sensitive financial information onto a USB device or burning it to a CD against the enterprise policy, or when a hacker is found to have infiltrated the network and stolen sensitive client information, what is the string of command and processes for responding to the incident?
The positional control of the CISO must award the power to scrutinize roughly any information at the company from an angle of understanding fortification efficacy. This must contain access to audit reports and the capacity to pressure audits, access to shield settings down to the minimum point, access to proof of various sorts, and access to all the groups within the organization and their ability to understand and report on actions. This is more often a people feedback mechanism than a technological feedback method at the CISO's level.
The moment in time has come for more companies to take information safety sincerely. Does the upper management think the same way?
La seguridad de Información en México
En los pasados días he participado en eventos de seguridad muy interesantes, el día 16 en el IBM Security day y el día 17 el equipo de seguridad de E&Y presento su reporte global sobre la seguridad, con un enfoque muy particular de México.
Mis reflexiones de ambos días son muy similares... Los altos directivos, como CFO o CEO, no se han dado cuenta que la seguridad de la información no es un tema que pueda ser un rubro mas de las actividades y funciones del CIO. Po mas capaz, inteligente, brillante y/o visionario que pueda ser un CIO, nunca podrá tener toda la visión de negocio que pueden tener los que gobiernan y dirigen las compañías.
Tuve la experiencia hace unos años de trabajar con una empresa de consultoría en la creación de un BIA (Business Impact Analysis), y cuando empezamos el proyecto, coordinamos el hacer un ejercicio en el cual a todos los mandos medios y altos de la compañía se les harían 10 preguntas, sobre los planes de contingencia y remediación de la empresa. La reacción de todos y cada uno de ellos fue la de voltear a ver al gerente de TI (léase yo) para ver que respondían y con una risa entre nerviosa e ignorante, todos y cada uno de los presentes no tuvo mas de 6 preguntas correctas... Creen que alguien salió de aquella sala de juntas preocupado, molesto, motivado o tan siquiera inquieto de involucrarse en lo que podría mejorar? Quieren la respuesta o la imaginan?
Todo quedaría como una anécdota sino tuviéramos situaciones como la de Julio a Septiembre de 2006 en la avenida reforma de nuestra bella ciudad de México o los constantes temblores que sufre nuestra ciudad o mas recientemente la influenza. Citando la Biblia “Nadie sabe el día ni la hora...”, lo que si sabemos es que la seguridad de la información dentro de las empresas tiene un valor intangible (No tan intangible como los 96 millones de euros de Cristiano Ronaldo), y el problema es que quienes empiezan a conocer mejor el valor del negocio y la información son los delincuentes que ven con ojos de beneplácito como los dueños y altos directivos no se reúnen a revisar sus planes de seguridad y continuidad.
He leído en diferentes lugares, la seguridad no es un proyecto, o no es un fin, sino un proceso, el problema es que al proceso le falta la cereza, es decir directivos que no sean de TI o de auditorias o de cumplimiento, sino directivos como pueden ser los directivos de recursos humanos de áreas de negocio, ventas, mercadotecnia, finanzas, administración, etc.
Solo cuando todos pongan en sus funciones diarias una parte de trabajo de mantenimiento y mejoramiento de la seguridad, podremos hablar que hemos iniciado el proceso de seguridad, antes de eso, solamente podemos hablar de esfuerzos aislados por despertar a la realidad.
El trabajo a realizar depende de TODOS, ¿quienes son TODOS? Pues desde los estudiantes de las universidades en entender los temas de seguridad de la información, el que cada empleado sienta que es parte de su función el proteger los activos de la compañía, de los gerentes de cumplimiento, TI, auditoria y demás áreas que hasta el día de hoy han cargado con la responsabilidad de la seguridad y continuidad de los negocios y por ultimo y los que mas requieren de involucrarse en estos temas, a la alta dirección de las empresas